Mr. Bean Asks: Are We Done Yet?

Mr. Bean here. I want to tell you how COVID changed my life. Some for the better, some for the worse.

Food. Let’s Talk About Food.

Mom was home most of the time during that period. Now, she’s still home a lot more than she used to be. That’s good, but not all the time. I’m used to getting my way with the other cats all the time, except for mealtime. At mealtime I have to have my food in a private room with a door that closes, because we have a feline vacuum cleaner in the house. I may be 17 pounds of love, but Mattie, six pounds of fluff, sucks up all of her food, then comes for mine. I’m such a gentleman, I just back up and let her have it. That’s why I have to go to a special room now.

If Mom weren’t home all of the time, things would be back to regular, and we’d have more dry food, less really really good wet food, and we would probably nap more.


We had fewer visitors. Me, I love visitors. It gives me the chance to show off my beautiful self and get pets and hear how soft I am and how pretty my eyes are and isn’t he the gorgeous cat and … well, you get the picture. With fewer guests, I get less of that. I’m ready for more, but Mom is kind of liking her separate time.

Helping Mom

Mom being home more gives us more time to help her with her computer work. (That’s fun. Especially when we fix something and she has to figure out what we did.) And then, if the weather permits, she takes us outside to the kitty kondo. And we get to cry to come in, then cry to go out, then cry to come in… We give her some steps.

Mom’s Multi-Tasking

Mom says she multi-tasks, which means that while she works on her computer, she has something else going

Mommy turned off the news. She was home too much, and the news was too much, so she turned it off. We watch movies and old or new television series. She calls it “streaming.” She “cut the cable.” I’m not sure what she means by that. There are still lots of cables in the house. Anyway, sometimes the movies are fascinating to us kitties.

She listens to her books more, and there are lots of nice voices on the books. She listened to this one book not too long ago. She said it was about an old man and he went out and caught a huge big fish and the sharks came and it was a famous book by some guy named Ernie, I think, and the reader was this actor that Mom likes with a really nice voice. There. I told you the whole thing! You don’t have to listen to it now!

The Kittens

Now that we’re home all the time, Mom started fostering kittens. Wow. They haven’t had their shots or been fixed when they come, and they have to stay in the bathroom. Once they get their shots, Mom lets me in to visit. That’s fun. I get to sit up high and watch them do kitten stuff. I remember being a kitten. The bad part is that Mom splits her time between them and us. They don’t get to come down to bed, so we have her all to ourselves then. Well, “we” still have to share with one another. Sometimes I get mad at my sisters and don’t care to have them in bed with me. But in general, it’s okay. I guess I digressed a little bit.

Those kittens can be fun to watch.

In Closing

Anyway, I guess, if life has to change, I can live with the changes. I’m a kitty after all. I just sit back and watch it happen.

This is a Tiger Lily Approved Way To Look At Life.