Push ‘Reset’ For 2021

It’s over! 2020 is over! Can we move forward now?

Shake It Off

No matter what happens, this year has got to be better than last. Many of us – perhaps most or all of us – have a need to blast that year away and start fresh. Clean. New attitudes, new perspectives, a new you and a new me.

The cats and I have decided to go for it. We have some ideas of our own, but here are some from more of an expert than I. These suggestions stop short of “new year’s resolutions.”

12 Simple Ways

“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture along with a little humor, and your picture will begin to lighten up.”  Allen Klein

From this website comes 12 simple ways to “hit the reset button on life.” If you go to the site, the explanations are broader than what is given here. I’m going to add a few COVID-related notes at the end of some of the suggestions. Sigh.

Add Color to Your Life

Add a shot of fresh and uplifting color to your life. Whether you pick up a bouquet of flowers at the store, add a fresh color to your wardrobe or buy a few new pillows or accessories to spice up a room in your home, choose a color that brings you joy, makes you smile and brightens your outlook.

Embrace Your Imperfections

[Step] back from any old “perfectionistic” ways, adopt a healthier mindset and embrace the authenticity of who you are with all your wonderful, beautiful, perfect imperfections.

Get Rid of Excess Baggage

A cluttered home, unfinished business in our lives or relationships that need work – all these things can trigger negative feelings and make us feel overwhelmed and stressed. Start small and slowly begin removing “stressors” from your life that are draining you of your energy and happiness. Even a few steps every day will make a difference.


[Laughter is] the cheapest medicine around! So, whether you watch a funny movie, share a funny joke or go to lunch with someone who always makes you laugh, seek the humor in life every single day. Going out to lunch can be difficult these days, and it’s January. Where I live, it’s cold. Perhaps order take-out from a favorite restaurant – this is even better if you and your friend enjoy different food – you can order from different restaurants – and head to a park that may have an outdoor shelter. Bundle up.

Give Yourself Something to Look Forward To

Whether it’s something small like lunch with a friend or something big like a vacation to the beach, give yourself a much-needed lift by planning ahead and giving yourself something to look forward to every single day.

Get Outdoors

… start walking, take a hike with your kids, go on a bike ride or join your neighbor when they walk the dog. The fresh air in your lungs will do far more for your mindset and outlook on life than it will for your body – although you’ll be doing your body good too – so, do yourself a big favor and make a play date with the great outdoors.

Start a Project…Any Project

… neuroscience has found that when we finish tasks we actually get a dopamine rush. So, now’s a perfect time. Pick a project… any project, and get started. Set aside the constant barrage of interruptions and focus on how great you’ll feel when you can finally check it off your mental to-do list. Anyway, let’s face it, finishing feels good!

Bring in the Sunshine

The sunlight improves our mood, relieves stress, helps us sleep better and can treat seasonal depression caused by lack of sunlight in the winter. So, go ahead, pull back the curtains, open the blinds, slide back the sunroof and enjoy all the benefits the sun has to offer.

Spend Time with Friends

Being with friends we care about, even if it’s a quick cup of coffee once or twice a month, can motivate us, help re-energize our spirit, challenge us when we need it and help us cope when life gets tough. So, take a break from life, scratch solo and call a friend. Find a place to meet outdoors, or in an open space with lots of room (open a couple of windows). Or master the magic of Zoom or other related technologies.

Buy Yourself A Pick-Me-Up Present

Life is stressful… in the midst of our busy lives, it feels really good to take the focus off of everyone and everything else and focus on ourselves – even if it is just for a little while.

Crank Up the Music

… brain functions such as learning, memory and even auditory processing have been known to show improvement when music is part of our daily life. So, the next time you’re feeling down or simply need a good reason to get your toes tappin’, crank up the tunes, close your eyes and sing those lyrics at the top of your lungs.


Browsing through a thread of texts or viewing images of a Facebook friend’s recent trip to Jamaica might be fine on occasion, but if your downtime is spent keeping up with other people’s lives through social media, it might be time to put your phone down (far enough away so you can’t hear the “ding” of the texts coming in) and enjoy more human interaction. Consider it a healthy and refreshing “detox” to make yourself a better “you.”

In Closing

It’s never too late for a do-over. Hit that reset button and never look back.

This is a Tiger Lily Approved Way To Approach Life In 2021.