Put A Spring In Your Step

In April, we who live in Indiana may still see snow. We have, several times in my lifetime. Because I’m writing this a few days early, I don’t know if you were greeted with spring or winter weather this morning!

Here are my spring go-to’s.

Get A Pedicure. Or A Manicure. Or Both.

You will be so beautiful! (Hint: wait on that pedicure until you can keep your toes out! I get my pedicure by mid-March, and my toes don’t see the inside of a sock or shoe until sometime in November.)

Not only will the mani and/or pedi give you beautiful digits, you will get massages and healthy lotions or oils for a pick-me-up.

Pick One Closet. Or One Room.

If you haven’t used something in the past year, put it into a donation box or bag, or throw it away. Hint: if the reason you aren’t using it is that it is damaged or funky, throw it away.

You will not believe how “freeing” this can be. Even with nothing that shows when the closets and drawers are closed, you will “think” the room is neater.

Plant Something Different.

Inside flowers and plants or outside, do something different. (Just check first for pet toxicity, if you have pets.) You can pretty-up your interior or exterior and … feel good about yourself?

From A Website…

Here are suggestions from someone who is more of a professional than I.

Spring Cleaning

I started with one thing. They go all out and suggest: Now is an excellent time to get rid of old clothes, books, or furniture you are not using or that have a stagnant energy feel. Give them away to friends or charities. Start with your kitchen or closet and do one room at a time, so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. The idea is to release the old in order to make room to receive the new and welcome new energy.


You don’t have to change many things but a small change here or there can bring a breath of fresh air to your surroundings. Fresh flowers, moving furniture around, art on the wall, or changing the color of your cushions can support that sense of renewal.

Outdoor exercise

You know what will float your boat. Whatever it is, even reading a book, do it outside.

Gather your friends

Gather them in your newly-cleaned-out and/or decorated home or at a restaurant. Or a park.

Tend to your needs

What have you been longing to do all winter? A float, a massage, gardening, a weekend away? Close your eyes, take a few breaths and ask yourself: ‘What am I feeling?’ and ‘What do I need?’ Allow for your inner wisdom and body to communicate with you. Follow your gut feeling or first impression and do what it tells you.

Get plenty of sleep

Go to bed a tad earlier and allow for a good 8-hour night sleep, depending on your physiology. A restorative night sleep will recharge your body, rest your brain, and you will wake up feeling energized and motivated.

Look for new opportunities

Set your intention for the new season and keep an open mind as to how it could manifest in your life. Start volunteering, or say out loud what you truly want, and take action towards your goal! Change your perspective and allow for new opportunities and encounters to come into your life.

Plan a vacation,

Plan a weekend getaway or apply for a course you want to do. Planning something in advance gives you something to look forward to and activates the fun vibration, thus raising your overall vibration. Is there a craft or a language you want to learn? Is there a country or a city you really want to visit but you keep postponing? Plan that trip now!

Get offline

Leave your phone aside for an afternoon, a day or a weekend. Ditch the technology for a moment and take that time to connect with yourself and your loved ones instead. A short meditation, a treat, reading a good book, time spent with friends or family will nourish your soul and support your energy levels.

Eat healthy

Spring is great for fresh fruits like citrus, mandarins, berries, and vegetables like asparagus and spinach. Put some colors in your plate and eat local. Juicing will help you get your daily dose of fruits and veggies. Eat nutritious food to nourish your body, brain and bump up your energy levels.

In Closing

Try something new. What’s the worst that could happen?

This is a Tiger Lily Approved approach to a new you.

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